HomeDigital MarketingHigh Authority Article Submission Sites in Digital Marketing

High Authority Article Submission Sites in Digital Marketing

High Authority Article Submission Sites in Digital Marketing  your content with a large audience. These sites enhance your digital marketing by boosting SEO, increasing visibility, and generating quality backlinks. Top sites like Medium, Hub Pages, and LinkedIn Pulse offer great opportunities for impactful submissions.


What are High Authority Article Submission Sites

High authority article submission sites are online platforms where you can publish your articles for others to read. These sites have a strong reputation, high domain authority, and a significant following, making them excellent avenues for sharing your content. The more credible the site, the more likely your article is to be seen and respected by a larger audience.


Advantages of Using High Authority Article Submission Sites

Using these sites can bring numerous benefits to your digital marketing strategy:

Boosting SEO Efforts and Organic Reach: High authority sites have a broad audience reach and high visibility on search engines. By publishing your content on these platforms, you can increase your chances of being found organically by people interested in your niche.

Enhancing Brand Credibility and Trustworthiness: When your articles appear on reputable sites, it boosts your brand’s credibility. Readers are more likely to trust information coming from established platforms.

Generating High-Quality Backlinks: Backlinks from high-authority sites improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can lead to increased organic traffic and greater online visibility.


Selecting the Right High Authority Article Submission Sites

Choosing the right platforms for submitting your articles is crucial. Here are a few things to consider:

Evaluating Site Relevance to Your Niche: Look for sites that align with your industry or niche. This ensures that your content reaches an audience interested in what you have to say.

Analyzing Domain Authority and Page Rank: High domain authority and page rank indicate the site’s overall quality and reputation. Aim for sites with a domain authority of 40 or higher.


Top High Authority Article Submission Sites in Digital Marketing

Top High Authority Article Submission Sites in Digital Marketing

Here are some of the top high authority article submission sites you should consider for your digital marketing strategy:



Features and Benefits: Medium is a popular platform that covers a wide range of topics. It has a large readership and strong domain authority, making it an excellent choice for article submissions.

How to Make the Most of It: Write engaging, well-researched articles and use relevant tags to reach the right audience. Engage with readers through comments and shares.


Hub Pages

Features and Benefits: HubPages is a community-driven site that allows you to publish articles on a variety of topics. It offers monetization opportunities and has a robust user base.

Effective Utilization Tips: Keep your articles informative and well-structured. Participate in the community by engaging with other writers.


LinkedIn Pulse

Features and Benefits: LinkedIn Pulse is a professional networking platform that allows you to share articles with your connections. It’s a great place to establish thought leadership.

Leveraging the Professional Network: Write about industry-specific topics and share your insights. Engage with your professional network by responding to comments and sharing relevant articles.

In addition to these three sites, other high-authority platforms worth considering include Tumblr, Quora, and WordPress.com.


Crafting High-Quality Content for Submission

When writing content for high authority sites, focus on creating valuable and engaging material. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Understanding Your Target Audience: Know who you’re writing for and tailor your content to their interests and needs.

Writing Engaging, SEO-Optimized Content: Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your article and create captivating headlines that draw readers in.


Submitting Articles: Best Practices

To get the most out of your submissions, follow these best practices:

Proper Formatting and Structure: Keep your articles well-organized with headings, subheadings, and bullet points for readability.

Using Keywords Effectively: Incorporate keywords naturally throughout your article without overdoing it. Aim for a keyword density of around 1-2%.

Adding Multimedia Elements: Enhance your articles with images, videos, and infographics to keep readers engaged.


Tracking Performance and Analytics

Monitoring your article’s performance can help you understand what works and what doesn’t. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as views, shares, and comments. This information can guide your future submissions and content creation.


To Avoid When Submitting Articles

To Avoid When Submitting Articles

Avoid these pitfalls when submitting articles:

Overlooking Editorial Guidelines: Each platform has its editorial standards. Follow them to ensure your article is accepted.

Ignoring Audience Interests and Needs: Stay attuned to what your audience wants to read. Writing solely for search engines can alienate readers.

Blog Submission Sites: Platforms that allow you to publish your blog posts for a wider audience. They help increase visibility and engagement with your content.

Blogger: A popular blogging platform where you can create and publish blog posts for free. It’s user-friendly and offers customization options.

Free Article Publishing Sites: Websites that let you publish articles at no cost. They are great for sharing knowledge and gaining exposure.

Article Submission Sites with Instant Approval: Platforms that approve and publish your submitted articles quickly, offering a swift way to share your content.

ArticleBiz: A well-known article submission site that accepts various topics. It’s a good platform for gaining visibility and backlinks.

1000 Blog Submission Sites List: A comprehensive list of blog submission sites offering a range of choices for sharing your blog posts and increasing your online presence.

100 Free Blog Posting Sites List: A curated list of free sites where you can publish your blog posts, helping you reach a broader audience without cost.

Free Article Submission Sites Without Registration: Article submission sites that allow you to publish content without the need to create an account, offering a convenient and quick way to share your work.


List of High PR Guest Blogging Sites

Here is a list of blog submission sites along with their domain authority, contact methods, and categories:

  1. Yonoguest Blog: Domain Authority  (DA) 52,  Contact: Submit, Category: General.
  2. Kahi Online media:  DA 14,  Contact: Submit, Category: General.
  3. Bnguestblog:  DA 3,  Contact: Submit, Category: General.
  4. Konami Group:  DA 1,  Contact: Submit, Category: General.
  5. Tutor City: DA 45,  Contact: Submit, Category: Education, Health, Relationships, Family.
  6. SomethingKnow: DA 30, Contact: Submit, Category: Business.
  7. Forbes: DA 97, Contact: Submit, Category: Business.
  8. Tech Gadgets: DA 97, Contact: Submit, Category: Technology.
  9. The Guardian: DA 96, Contact: Submit, Category: Entertainment, finance, business, sports.
  10. Mashable: DA 94, Contact: Submit, Category: Social media, technology, business, entertainment.
  11. Business Insider: DA 93, Contact: Contribute, Category: News, business, sports, etc.
  12. Tech Crunch: DA 93, Contact: Submit, Category: Technology, finance.
  13. Politico Magazine: DA 93, Contact: Submit, Category: Politics.
  14. eLearn Magazine: DA 92, Contact: Submit, Category: Education, reviews.
  15. Moz: DA 91, Contact: Submit, Category: SEO, marketing, blogging.
  16. Fast Company: DA 91, Contact: Submit, Category: Business, finance, technology.
  17. Entrepreneur: DA 90, Contact: Contribute, Category: Marketing, social media, business, finance, news.
  18. Search Engine Land: DA 90, Contact: Submit, Category: SEO, marketing.
  19. Inc Magazine: DA 90, Contact: Submit, Category: Finance.
  20. Hubspot: DA 89, Contact: Submit, Category: Marketing.

These blog submission sites span various categories such as business, technology, health, marketing, and more. You can submit your blog posts for potential exposure and increased online presence.



High-authority article submission sites can be a game-changer for your digital marketing strategy. By choosing the right platforms and creating high-quality, engaging content, you can boost your brand’s visibility and credibility. Remember to monitor your performance and learn from your results to continually improve your submissions.



What is Article Submission in SEO?

Article submission in SEO involves publishing your articles on external platforms to increase backlinks and visibility. This practice boosts your site’s authority and search engine ranking, drives organic traffic, and enhances credibility by reaching new audiences with valuable content.


Can Chat GPT Write SEO Articles?

Yes, ChatGPT can write SEO articles by incorporating relevant keywords naturally, creating engaging content, and following SEO best practices. Its ability to generate human-like text helps produce high-quality, informative articles that align with search engine optimization goals.


How do I Become a SEO Article Writer?

To become an SEO article writer, study SEO principles and best practices, including keyword research and content optimization. Practice writing clear, engaging articles that target specific audiences. Gain experience by writing regularly, and stay updated with industry trends and search engine algorithm changes.


How to Write SEO Rich Content?

To write SEO-rich content:

  1. Research relevant keywords and integrate them naturally into your text.
  2. Craft engaging, informative, and well-structured content with clear headings and concise sentences.
  3. Use meta tags and alt text for images, and prioritize readability and user experience.


How do I Add SEO to My Article?

To add SEO to your article, use relevant keywords naturally throughout the text, optimize headings and titles, include internal and external links, and create a meta description. Keep paragraphs concise and engaging, and use alt text for images to improve search engine visibility.



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